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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Missing the Mark

If an otherwise compliant cat refuses to use a litter box, it may be in protest to its (lack of) cleanliness. If you provide scoopable litter, remove waste as soon as possible after its occurrence. If you use another type of litter, such as clay or recycled newspaper, change it daily. Whatever the type of litter you use, wash the litter box at least once a week. Make sure you have one litter box for each cat, plus one extra, and place them in quiet, low-traffic areas.
If your cat still misses the mark, it's probably a medical issue that needs veterinary attention. Your cat could have a virus, bacterial infection or parasite that is causing him pain (which your cat may associate with the box itself and thus avoid it) or hampering his ability to get to the facilities on time. If your cat has other symptoms, such as drinking excess water or straining to urinate, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Potty Power Struggles?
If your cat refuses to urinate in the litter box, it's not out of spite. A urinary blockage may be to blame -- a potentially fatal condition especially common in male cats because of their long, narrow urethras. If your cat (no matter the gender) cannot urinate or mewls in pain with the effort, contact a veterinarian immediately.

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