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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs All You Need To Know...

Unfortunately, a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) will not always show signs or symptoms. Some dogs that are currently affected by a UTI will whimper or yelp while urinating (due to excessive pain). However, this may also suggest that the disease is already in its advanced stages.
A mild case of UTI is very manageable for dogs and other small animals. This is the reason why this medical concern is often ignored during its early stages. Unless you take your dog to a veterinarian for regular checkups, it is unlikely that you will be able to determine if your dog is suffering from a mild case of UTI.

Urinary tract infections in dogs can be classified into two categories. A dog UTI can be classified as an upper urinary tract infection or a lower urinary tract infection. These two types of dog UTI's each portray different symptoms. The common symptoms of upper urinary tract infections are weight loss, vomiting and anorexia.

If the infection is in the lower part of the urinary tract, the signs are usually associated with urination abnormalities. If your dog is urinating more or less often than usual, then they are most likely suffering from UTI. Incontinence is also a symptom of a lower Urinary Tract Infection.

The first step in determining if your dog suffers from UTI is to check if your pet is drinking more water than usual. Excessive, insatiable thirst is one of the best indications that your dog is suffering from UTI. This is because thirst is the body's normal reaction to the renal problems occurring inside the urinary tract. If your dog is constantly thirsty during cold weather even if they are not under extreme physical exertion, this could be a symptom of UTI. Dehydration is one of the common signs of UTI in dogs.

It is also important to check how much your dog is urinating. If the amount of urine is noticeably more or less than usual, your dog may be suffering from UTI. The total absence of urine is the worst case scenario, as this could indicate that your dog might already have developed a more serious bladder problem.

The best way to determine if your dog is suffering from UTI is to observe your dog's urine activities. If your pet is constantly trying to urinate unsuccessfully, or if several attempts are needed before your dog can urinate, you might have to take your dog to the veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis.

Whenever possible, take a sample of your dog's urine with you so that a veterinarian can check the severity of the disease. It is also best that you observe your dog when you are out for a walk. Any irregularities are a sign that something is wrong. If the urine has a foul odor, blood accompanies the urine, your dog has a visibly tender bladder or if your dog's urine is sporadically excreted, then it is necessary that you take your dog to a veterinarian immediately.

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